Monday, December 12, 2011

Writing Skills Comment

50 Quick Report Card Comments For Assessing Elementary Student Writing Skills

These quick tips will help you accurately assess your student's writing skills for their report cards. Remember whenever you are writing these comments; feel free to customize them in order to accurately explain a particular student. Whenever you have to write a negative comment, always include a positive ending statement, if applicable, to show the student is improving or progressing in some ways. Customizing report card comments can be easy if you create notes for each student throughout the entire reporting period. Within these notes make sure that you include all important information regarding the student's writing skills.

1. _____ understands how to accurately use punctuation and easily comprehends the rules regarding punctuation.

2. Has a vocabulary that is substantially larger than most of the other students. Is interested in learning new words, and thus suggest having the child read and write at home.

3. Is able to compile complex sentences that are clear, precise and correct.

4. ____ is willing to learn new writing skills and quickly applies these skills within their writing.

5. Has the ability to copy sentences correctly and enjoys performing this assignment.

6. Needs to increase his or her placement of words. They are often misplaced throughout their writings.

7. Is not able to write clear and understandable sentences.

8. ____ is not willing to listen to direction concerning their writing skills.

9. Seems to be not interested in writing and is easily distracted from this school task.

10. Enjoys writing stories and can compile unique and interesting sentences.

11. Does not understand how to appropriately use commas.

12. Is not respectful of other students with their writing.

13. This student is having a hard time understanding cursive writing. My suggestion is to help him or her at home with their cursive writing skills.

14. _____ can remember most of cursive alphabet, but has a hard time with the following letters (put the letters here), I suggest working with him or her every night with these letters.

15. ____ is behind the rest of the class with his or her writing skills.

16. Is able to clearly write grammar, spelling and punctuation with little to no errors or failing to follow directions.

17. Shows the ability to instantly use spelling, punctuation and grammar rules that were just learned. Is able to quickly comprehend new skills and is eager to apply them to their writing.

18. This student requires extra attention concerning the application of previously learned skills and techniques. He or she is unable to comprehend directions quickly and usually requires further detailed directions.

19. Does not show enthusiasm sharing his or her writing projects with the rest of the classroom. Needs to gain confidence within their writing skills.

20. Rarely is involved in group writing assignments, and does not regularly contribute to the group.

21. Is able to write in a complete and easy-to-understand way. Has the ability to write complex thought patterns.

22. Enjoys writing to help improve their own writing skills. Is able to find his or her own mistakes within their writing.

23. This student utilizes a wide array of writing forms.

24. _____ is able to create clear and effective writing, which is interesting to read and easy to comprehend.

25. Has extremely difficult time remembering previously discussed writing skills and is often found making errors within punctuations, grammar, word usage and overall sentence structure. Needs improvement in basic writing skills.

26. Does not have the ability to edit written text by themselves; requires the assistance of the teacher to make the mildest revisions.

27. _____ is not willing to take part in group writing activities.

28. This student has a low self-confidence when it comes to his or her writing skills. He or she needs to continue practicing their writing skills at home in order to improve them.

29. Has shown great improvement with his or her writing skills and is consistently increasing their writing comprehension and techniques.

30. _____ frequently displays grammatical errors within their writing.

31. _____ needs to work on their handwriting skills. This student is behind the rest of the class concerning this technique, thus I suggest setting aside time at home to practice these skills.

32. Has a great understanding in writing non-phonic words. Is able to spell complex words with little to no errors.

33. This student is unable to write complex words and is frequently misspelling non-phonic words.

34. _____'s overall quality of work is quite poor and has not shown improvements.

35. Performs carelessly with his or her writing assignments.

36. Does not show interest in learning writing skills and is disinterested quickly.

37. _____ take's pride in their writing work, and exhibits confidence with their writing skills.

38. Is not afraid to showcase their writing skills in front of the class.

39. This student is conscious of putting neatness into their daily writing work, and is usually found going above-and-beyond the minimal requirements.

40. Is able to take directions well and instantly apply them to his or her writing skills.

41. Enjoys performing their writing assignments independently and is enthusiastic about all writing assignments.

42. Needs to work on handwriting skills.

43. Understands how to incorporate complex words into their sentences while still keeping the tone and flow natural.

44. ____ is strongly encouraged to engage in home writing activities to help improve his or her writing skills and overall quality of work.

45. Requires constant supervision and direct assistance with their writing assignments and is unable to complete an entire assignment without writing errors.

46. Highly suggest reviewing cursive writing skills at home to help improve their cursive writing skills.

47. Is able to write correct spelling, punctuation and language when writing short, simple sentences.

48. _____ needs improvement placing correct language and punctuation within simple sentences.

49. This student is unable to compose complex sentences that are clear and grammatically correct. I suggest reviewing writing skills and techniques at home to help improve writing quality and errors.

50. _____ is a great speller!

Report Card Comments & Phrases—General and Handwriting


  • All of _______'s basic skills are at grade level, but he is not working to the best of his ability.
  • _______'s school work has shown improvement over the past quarter. I hope this effort will continue.
  • _______'s behavior continues to be inconsistent. She is still having difficulty following the school rules and respecting the other students. Please call to set up a conference.
  • Thank-you for your continued support and help from home. The amount of extra time you have been spending with _______ on his schoolwork is evident.
  • _______ has improved since the last time we met. I suggest that you continue to work on _______ nightly.
  • _______ is a polite and alert _____ grader. Because he is a quiet boy, he needs to be encouraged to participate in class. Any help you can give from home would be very beneficial.
  • _______ has adjusted nicely to her new school environment. Could you call to set up a meeting as soon as you are settled into your new home?


  • _______ is gaining more self-confidence.
  • _______ is maintaining grade-level expectations.
  • _______ performs well in everything he undertakes.
  • _______ is doing strong work in all areas.
  • _______ is a clear thinker.
  • _______ has good organization of thoughts.
  • _______ should be encouraged to _____.
  • _______ needs frequent encouragement.
  • _______ exhibits creativity.
  • _______ has excessive tardiness.
  • _______ has excessive absences.
  • _______ has failed to turn in makeup work.
  • _______ is a good student who appears to be a deep thinker.
  • _______ grasps new ideas promptly.
  • _______ talks excessively.
  • _______ needs to spend more time on assigned tasks.
  • _______ does not put enough time into the assignments.
  • _______ needs to improve self-discipline
  • A conference is requested.
  • Please call to set up a conference.
  • Your constant cooperation and help are appreciated.
  • It is possible for _______ to exceed grade expectations.


  • _______'s handwriting needs to be improved.
  • _______ has good (poor) fine-motor skills.
  • _______ is able to print on the lines.
  • _______ spaces letters and words correctly.
  • _______'s work is not neat.
  • _______ does not form letters correctly.
  • Some of _______'s printing is excellent, but it is often untidy in daily assignments.
  • When printing, _______ often reverses letters, such as __, __, etc.

Read more on TeacherVision:


  • uses punctuation correctly
  • is able to place periods and question marks correctly - uses colorful words
  • uses (complex, simple) sentences
  • is now able to write a complete sentence independently - participates in group story telling (composition) - can write an original story of (one or two sentences, of a few sentences)
  • puts words in the appropriate order
  • is able to read his sentences back
  • shows self confidence in writing
  • can compose several related sentences

100 Great Report Card Comments For K-6 Students

100 Great Report Card Comments For K-6 Students

Are you using the same comments on your report card, and starting to feel like it is mundane work? Here are some great report card comments that you might consider using. When writing comments on a report card, the most important thing to remember is to be honest about a student's progress.

1. _____ is showing enthusiasm in his work.

2. _____ is using his free time constructively.

3. _____ uses her time wisely.

4. _____ has progressed wonderfully.

5. _____ is showing signs of leadership in the classroom.

6. _____ has great potential in _____.

7. _____ is a good citizen.

8. _____ is working to his full capacity.

9. _____ needs to improve skills in _____.

10. _____ needs to pay more attention.

11. _____ is working diligently on his _____.

12. _____ is learning to be a better listener.

13. _____ participates very well in class.

14. _____ is showing signs of independence.

15. _____ is still struggling with _____.

16. _____ wants responsibilities and follows through.

17. _____ has a better attitude.

18. _____ is a hard worker.

19. _____ has a winning personality.

20. _____ follows directions well.

21. _____ is steadily improving in _____.

22. _____ is following suggests to improve in _____.

23. _____ is eager to improve in ______.

24. _____ is cooperative in class.

25. _____ likes to volunteer in class activities.

26. _____ should be proud of his report card.

27. _____ is great at encouraging other students.

28. _____ works well with classmates.

29. _____ needs to improve her attention span.

30. _____ learns new spelling words quickly.

31. _____ has shown strength in _____.

32. _____ is a conscientious worker.

33. _____ has contributed to many class discussions.

34. _____ is anxious to please.

35. _____ has been disrupting the class lately.

36. _____ needs improvement in reading comprehension.

37. _____ is applying skills to all of his work.

38. _____ gets along well with her classmates.

39. _____ is cooperative.

40. I appreciate _____'s cooperation in class.

41. _____ is showing steady progress in overall academics.

42. _____'s quality of work is improving.

43. _____ is showing a desire to do better in _____.

44. _____'s grade level achievements are well maintained.

45. _____ is working well independently.

46. _____ acts responsibly in class.

47. _____ needs to work on his talking in class.

48. _____ is full of enthusiasm when it comes to _____.

49. _____'s sense of humor is enjoyable.

50. _____ has a stupendous attitude.

51. _____ does not work well with large group discussions.

52. _____ is not participating as I would've hoped.

53. _____ is able to grasp new concepts readily.

54. _____ may exceed _____ grade expectations.

55. _____ needs to develop a greater sense of responsibility.

56. _____ is quite mature in class.

57. _____ tries very hard in everything he does.

58. _____ has strong work habits in all areas.

59. _____ puts ideas in his head onto paper very well.

60. _____ is excelling in _____.

61. _____ demonstrates good reading habits.

62. _____ stays well organized in class.

63. _____ is able to organize her thoughts very well.

64. _____ seems to have extensive knowledge in _____.

65. _____ is struggling to keep up with homework assignments.

66. _____ needs to improve his work habits.

67. _____ is well mannered and respectful to me and other students.

68. _____ has adjusted to _____ very well.

69. _____ is capable of achieving higher than average in _____.

70. _____'s attitude makes it hard for her to get along with other classmates.

71. _____ is consistent in his efforts.

72. _____'s accuracy is failing because of unnecessary speed in written work.

73. _____ has a hard time following directions.

74. _____ consistently fails to finish independent assignments in _____.

75. _____ has the ability to comprehend, but needs to work more quickly.

76. _____ enjoys _____.

77. _____ listens carefully.

78. _____ is reading at a grade ____ level.

79. _____ has mastered _____.

80. _____ is very interested in reading.

81. _____ speaks clearly.

82. _____ is muffling words, making it hard to understand him.

83. _____ has confidence in her work.

84. _____ is able to speak effectively before the class.

85. _____ shares with others in the class.

86. _____ has a good understanding of vocabulary words, and is able to use them correctly.

87. _____ has a good attitude towards school.

88. _____'s work level is below average in _____.

89. _____ is easily distracted.

90. _____ turns in neat work that is done accurately.

91. _____ is not completing assignments in the allotment of time given.

92. _____ is especially good at _____.

93. _____ requires more supervision than expected at this grade level.

94. _____ needs encouragement to do things on her own.

95. _____ often completes assignments early.

96. _____ takes pride in his work.

97. _____ needs to concentrate better.

98. _____ cares about the other students in her class.

99. _____ does not work well without direct supervision

100. _____ is often tired during school hours

Keep in mind that you should elaborate on the things that you comment on. Parents/guardians appreciate tips on how they can help their child improve, if they failing at something. It also makes sense to tell the parents/guardians what you are trying in class to correct a situation, so they can do the same at home.