Thursday, December 8, 2011

Think, feel, live a healthy life

Think, feel, live a healthy life

By Lorenzo Mendoza on Friday, 11 November 2011 Go Back

Almost everybody wants to keep his/her youthful looks. And who doesn’t want. Nowadays, there are already so many products being advertised in print, radio and television igniting the people to try their ‘manna’ of staying forever young.

Here are some tips that I culled from different sources regarding some solicited advice to stay young.

Nobody wants to look old. But time is relentless and we grow older every year. You can turn back the hands of time and still look and feel young as you are 20 years ago. You don’t need to burn a hole in your pocket with costly plastic or medical surgery.
All you need to do is put a few tricks in your routine. There are some tips and techniques that when followed religiously can make you look younger than your age and also much more beautiful or handsome.

Take care of your heart. The lower your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers are, the longer you’re live by to live. You can lower your numbers by making diet and lifestyle changes.

The Food and Nutrition Research Institute recommends the following: watch your sodium intake; exercise regularly; if you are overweight, lose weight to keep your “good” high-density lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol levels up.
Do whatever it takes to control your blood pressure and cholesterol.
Observe dental hygiene. Like good heart health, taking care of your mouth matters, too. Good dental hygiene helps teeth and gums last a lifetime, but poor dental hygiene is linked to cardiovascular disease.

Go easy and relax. Young thinkers are easygoing and don’t take themselves too seriously. Relaxation are essential to keeping the body in a harmonious state. Avoid stress.

Our conscious mind needs challenges and time off so unconscious and meditative states can do their intuitive work. Remember, stress not only ages you, but it can also cause illness, from colds to cancer and heart disease.
Build muscles not fats. When people reduce their calorie consumption, the body adapts by reducing its metabolism. When they go off a diet, the metabolism bounces back.

The easiest way to take it off is to increase the muscle-to-fat ratio and metabolism by exercising. One of the few physical factors that distinguish centenarians is that they maintain a fairly constant body weight their whole adult lives.
Think young. The power of mind says it all. If you strongly believe that you will live past 100, it is more likely to happen.

Take vitamins and minerals. Most women don’t receive all the vitamins and minerals they need from what they eat. A daily multiple vitamin is an easy way to make sure you receive what you need.

Enjoy social life. Enjoying the company of your loved ones and your lover can lower stress and keep you healthy. There are three factors in socialization: being married, seeing at least six friends at least monthly and participating in social groups.

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